
Beginning with version 3.0, Pelican supports plugins. Plugins are a way to add features to Pelican without having to directly modify the Pelican core.

How to use plugins

To load plugins, you have to specify them in your settings file. There are two ways to do so. The first method is to specify strings with the path to the callables:

PLUGINS = ['package.myplugin',]

Alternatively, another method is to import them and add them to the list:

from package import myplugin
PLUGINS = [myplugin,]

If your plugins are not in an importable path, you can specify a PLUGIN_PATH in the settings. PLUGIN_PATH can be an absolute path or a path relative to the settings file:

PLUGIN_PATH = "plugins"
PLUGINS = ["list", "of", "plugins"]

Where to find plugins

We maintain a separate repository of plugins for people to share and use. Please visit the pelican-plugins repository for a list of available plugins.

Please note that while we do our best to review and maintain these plugins, they are submitted by the Pelican community and thus may have varying levels of support and interoperability.

How to create plugins

Plugins are based on the concept of signals. Pelican sends signals, and plugins subscribe to those signals. The list of signals are defined in a subsequent section.

The only rule to follow for plugins is to define a register callable, in which you map the signals to your plugin logic. Let’s take a simple example:

from pelican import signals

def test(sender):
    print "%s initialized !!" % sender

def register():

List of signals

Here is the list of currently implemented signals:

Signal Arguments Description
initialized pelican object  
finalized pelican object invoked after all the generators are executed and just before pelican exits usefull for custom post processing actions, such as: - minifying js/css assets. - notify/ping search engines with an updated sitemap.
generator_init generator invoked in the Generator.__init__
article_generate_context article_generator, metadata  
article_generate_preread article_generator invoked before a article is read in ArticlesGenerator.generate_context; use if code needs to do something before every article is parsed
article_generator_init article_generator invoked in the ArticlesGenerator.__init__
article_generator_finalized article_generator invoked at the end of ArticlesGenerator.generate_context
get_generators generators invoked in Pelican.get_generator_classes, can return a Generator, or several generator in a tuple or in a list.
pages_generate_context pages_generator, metadata  
pages_generator_init pages_generator invoked in the PagesGenerator.__init__
pages_generator_finalized pages_generator invoked at the end of PagesGenerator.generate_context
content_object_init content_object invoked at the end of Content.__init__ (see note below)

The list is currently small, so don’t hesitate to add signals and make a pull request if you need them!


The signal content_object_init can send a different type of object as the argument. If you want to register only one type of object then you will need to specify the sender when you are connecting to the signal.

from pelican import signals
from pelican import contents

def test(sender, instance):
        print "%s : %s content initialized !!" % (sender, instance)

def register():
        signals.content_object_init.connect(test, sender=contents.Article)