
Here are some tips about pelican, which you might find useful.

Publishing to github

Github comes with an interesting “pages” feature: you can upload things there and it will be available directly from their servers. As pelican is a static file generator, we can take advantage of this.

The excellent ghp-import makes this eally easy. You would have to install it:

$ pip install ghp-import

Then, considering a repository containing your articles, you would simply have to run pelican and upload the output to github:

$ pelican -s .
$ ghp-import output
$ git push origin gh-pages

And that’s it.

If you want you can put that directly into a post commit hook, so each time you commit, your blog is up to date on github!

Put the following into .git/hooks/post-commit:

pelican -s . && ghp-import output && git push origin