Release history
3.0 (2012-08-08)
- Refactored the way URLs are handled
- Improved the English documentation
- Fixed packaging using setuptools entrypoints
- Added typogrify support
- Added a way to disable feed generation
- Added support for DIRECT_TEMPLATES
- Allow multiple extensions for content files
- Added LESS support
- Improved the import script
- Added functional tests
- Rsync support in the generated Makefile
- Improved feed support (easily pluggable with Feedburner for instance)
- Added support for abbr in reST
- Fixed a bunch of bugs :-)
2.8 (2012-02-28)
- Dotclear importer
- Allow the usage of Markdown extensions
- Themes are now easily extensible
- Don’t output pagination information if there is only one page
- Add a page per author, with all their articles
- Improved the test suite
- Made the themes easier to extend
- Removed Skribit support
- Added a pelican-quickstart script
- Fixed timezone-related issues
- Added some scripts for Windows support
- Date can be specified in seconds
- Never fail when generating posts (skip and continue)
- Allow the use of future dates
- Support having different timezones per language
- Enhanced the documentation
2.7 (2011-06-11)
- Use logging rather than echoing to stdout
- Support custom Jinja filters
- Compatibility with Python 2.5
- Added a theme manager
- Packaged for Debian
- Added draft support
2.6 (2011-03-08)
- Changes in the output directory structure
- Makes templates easier to work with / create
- Added RSS support (was Atom-only)
- Added tag support for the feeds
- Enhance the documentation
- Added another theme (brownstone)
- Added translations
- Added a way to use cleaner URLs with a rewrite url module (or equivalent)
- Added a tag cloud
- Added an autoreloading feature: the blog is automatically regenerated each time a modification is detected
- Translate the documentation into French
- Import a blog from an RSS feed
- Pagination support
- Added Skribit support
2.5 (2010-11-20)
- Import from Wordpress
- Added some new themes (martyalchin / wide-notmyidea)
- First bug report!
- Linkedin support
- Added a FAQ
- Google Analytics support
- Twitter support
- Use relative URLs, not static ones
2.4 (2010-11-06)
- Minor themes changes
- Add Disqus support (so we have comments)
- Another code refactoring
- Added config settings about pages
- Blog entries can also be generated in PDF
2.2 (2010-10-30)
- Prettify output
- Manages static pages as well
2.1 (2010-10-30)
- Make notmyidea the default theme
2.0 (2010-10-30)
- Refactoring to be more extensible
- Change into the setting variables
1.2 (2010-09-28)
- Added a debug option
- Added per-category feeds
- Use filesystem to get dates if no metadata is provided
- Add Pygments support